20th July, 2015
Bitter Bamboo Shoots
Bitter bamboo shoots are sweet, crispy, mellow-tasted, and rich in many types of vitamin. They are good at clearing the liver, promoting the discharge of bile from the system and tonifying Yang. As bitter bamboo shoots help to reduce heat and remove liver fire, they are very popular among tourists and local people. Bitter bamboo soup is tasty with sweet bitterness, well satisfying people’s appetit -
20th July, 2015
Emei Cake
A thousand years ago,Buddhist pilgrims used glutinous rice caketo sate hunger or as Buddha offerings. Now the glutinous rice cake has been developed into Emei Cake, which keeps sweet and soft. -
20th July, 2015
Dried Bamboo Shoots
Dried bamboo shoots are produced with old traditional techniques. To produce dried bamboo shoots, fresh ones should be sterilized by steaming and boiling in high temperature at first, and then dried and baked after several procedures. Dried Bamboo Shoots are best for making non-spicy hot pot.