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Kingdom of Plants

Time: 28th August, 2015

Overview: There are more than 5000 species of plants in Mt. Emei, including over 3200 species of higher plants, amounting to the total number of those in the Europe and occupying one-tenth and one-third of the total numbers of plants species in China and Sichuan Province respectively. Thirty-one species are the first batch of state-protected plants, representing 10% of the total number. There are only 8 first-class state-protected plants and Cyatheaceaeas well as Davidiainvolucrate are two of them. In addition, 103 species of plants are named after Emei. The species composition, plant community and flora in Mt. Emei are very rich, with many endemic species and tertiary relict plants. The vertical stratification is very obvious, with rich medicinal plants. There also exist the most typical and best-preserved subtropical vegetation in the world, and a virgin and complete subtropical forest vertical zone. Therefore, Mt. Emei is a treasure chest of the world’s plants, and has won the reputation as the Kingdom of Plants.

There are four vegetation zones in Mt. Emei: evergreen broadleaf forests (below 1500 m), mixed evergreen and deciduous broadleaf forests (1500-2100 m), mixed coniferous and broadleaf forests (2100-2800 m), and subalpine evergreen coniferous forests and shrub and meadow (above 2800 m). The five natural conservation areas are as follows: Alpine Azalea Conservation Area, AbiesFabri Conservation Area, Phoebe Zhennan Conservation Area, Davidia Involucrate Conservation Area and Ecological Monkey Reserve. Ancient and famous trees in Mt. Emei includeCyatheaceae, Gingkgo, AbiesFabri, Cephalotaxusoliveri, Morusmongolica, Cercidiphyllumjaponicum, Manglietiaszechuanica, Davidia Involucrate and Toonaciliate etc.